María Cabrera


María Cabrera Movies or Tv Shows (upto Dec 2024) - Watch Online

29th May 2022 | FlixCatalog Staff

María Cabrera was born on March 30, 1954 in Andalucía, Spain. She is an actress, known for Maldita venganza (2015), El comisario (1999) and Tierra de lobos (2010).

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Streaming Availability

YouTube has the most number of María Cabrera’s flixes, followed by Google Play Movies compared to other streaming platforms. See the full graph below.

Releases by Year

María Cabrera on average has worked on 1 movies per year from 2009 to 2020. See the full graphs of the number of María Cabrera movies released per year from 2009 till 2020.

Top Genres

María Cabrera works mostly in Comedy Genre followed by Thriller Genre flixes. 33% of María Cabrera movies are Comedy Genre movies. See Top Genres that María Cabrera worked on in the graph below.

Average IMDB Score

On average the IMDB score of the movies that María Cabrera has worked on is 6.6.

6.6 / 10

María Cabrera's Movies and Tv Series available to Stream now ..

Concha, and her daughter Adela, have grown tired of oppression and flee an Andalusian shanty-town in search of the city. Once it is discovered that they have escaped, they must fight to ensure that they remain free of their cages.

6/1096 min

Available in 4 platform(s).