Show streaming information for Movies and Tv Shows on your website
Show where to watch flix on your website
Get FlixCatalog's where-to-watch widgets

Make you website stand out
Movie Bloggers, Reviewers and online critics can now help their visitors find where to watch a movie or tv show. This is unlike a traditional review website, you can now empower your visitors with useful information about the available streaming services.
Instead of you searching for 1000s of movie links to copy-paste on your website, we make it easy for your to quickly embed streaming unlimited links for all of the available platforms. Your users can quickly watch a movie that your are writing about and come back to your website for more.
Launch offer ends in
Widget API Pricing
launch offer
$1899 USD / year
for lifetime access
- ✓ Unlimited pages
- ✓Unlimited page views/requests
- ✓Support US, India
- ✓Premium Support
- ✓Full Access to new OTT platforms
- ✓Full Access to New countries
- ✓Option to remove attribution
coming soon
$99 USD / month
- ✓ 2000 pages
- ✓200,000 page views/requests
- ✓Support 2 countries of choice
- ✓Premium Support
- ✓Full Access to new OTT platforms
- ✓Full Access to New countries
- x Remove attribution