Juliet Reeves London


Juliet Reeves London Movies or Tv Shows (upto Jun 2024) - Watch Online

29th May 2022 | FlixCatalog Staff

Juliet Reeves began performing at a very early age, with her family, in a traveling Circus. Juliet studied acting at "Art Sake Studio" in Winter Park, Florida, "The Dee Wallace Stone Studio" in Los Angeles and "The Working Actors Studio" in Tampa, Florida.Juliet Reeves has been acting in film for only a few short years but, in this time, has been the leading lady in over a dozen feature length indie films and several short films. Making a strong start in the low-budget horror film industry, where she garnered "Scream Queen" status for her level of intensity in these roles. She has since gone on to appear, in smaller roles, in major motion pictures, such as Abraham Lincoln: Chasseur de vampires (2012) and has most recently wrapped a guest starring role on HBO's Emmy-winning series, Treme (2010). With a leading role in a unconventional, soon-to-be-released feature film shot in the Summer of 2011, in which Juliet is not only the lead but must carry the movie, nearly on her own, as she appears in every scene of the film, a survival tale. 2012 is proving to be off to a great start and she is working hard and is poised to be a successful player in the industry. - IMDb Mini Biography By: unknown

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Streaming Availability

Amazon Video has the most number of Juliet Reeves London’s flixes, followed by Tubi TV compared to other streaming platforms. See the full graph below.

Releases by Year

Juliet Reeves London on average has worked on 1 movies per year from 2006 to 2018. See the full graphs of the number of Juliet Reeves London movies released per year from 2006 till 2018.

Top Genres

Juliet Reeves London works mostly in Thriller Genre followed by Horror Genre flixes. 33% of Juliet Reeves London movies are Thriller Genre movies. See Top Genres that Juliet Reeves London worked on in the graph below.

Average IMDB Score

On average the IMDB score of the movies that Juliet Reeves London has worked on is 4.3.

4.3 / 10

Juliet Reeves London's Movies and Tv Series available to Stream now ..

FBI Agent Kurt Cadell and his partner Roy fight through a series of adventures in the 1980s and 90s to take down the ruthless Dixie Mafia.

5.9/10106 min

Available in 3 platform(s).

Girl in Woods (2016)

After a tragic accident Grace is lost and alone in the Smoky Mountains. Grace's struggle for survival is made more complicated by her troubled past. Battling the demons in her mind may be the only way to come out alive.

3.3/1087 min

Available in 7 platform(s).