Jeff Brody


Jeff Brody Movies or Tv Shows (upto Jun 2024) - Watch Online

29th May 2022 | FlixCatalog Staff

Jeff Brody is an American actor best known for role as Tom in the Amazon Prime series Public Displays of Insanity (2019). He has also made appearances in the hit films Pitch Perfect 2 (2015) and My All-American (2015), as well as the TV shows Nashville (2012) and American Crime (2015).After earning a Master of Arts from Emerson College, a performing arts school in Boston, and working 20 years in the corporate world, Jeff knew something was still missing. Although he was drifting towards an acting career in his "real" job, life began to make sense when he fully focused on acting in 2013. In this relatively short time, Jeff has remained successful and busy in the industry. He has hosted a weekly show, done TV shows, performed in feature films, and appeared in national commercials.So Jeff came to acting a little later in life, but this has proved to be a huge advantage. Whether it's his business experience, living through the ups and downs of an active family, or studying world events, life has given Jeff a wealth of experience to draw on to create believable characters. Acting is a calling for Jeff, and he's passionate about giving everything he has to whatever role he's playing, from background to lead. - IMDb Mini Biography By: Brody, Jeff (VI)

Fan Zone

Streaming Availability

Amazon Video has the most number of Jeff Brody’s flixes, followed by Tubi TV compared to other streaming platforms. See the full graph below.

Releases by Year

Jeff Brody on average has worked on 2 movies per year from 2013 to 2019. See the full graphs of the number of Jeff Brody movies released per year from 2013 till 2019.

Top Genres

Jeff Brody works mostly in Comedy Genre followed by Mystery Genre flixes. 45% of Jeff Brody movies are Comedy Genre movies. See Top Genres that Jeff Brody worked on in the graph below.

Average IMDB Score

On average the IMDB score of the movies that Jeff Brody has worked on is 6.2.

6.2 / 10

Jeff Brody's Movies and Tv Series available to Stream now ..

Bug (2017)

Bug is a 12-year-old girl who finds out that her grandpa, the town's retired sheriff, may have committed and covered up a racially motivated murder years ago. Now Bug is out to right an old wrong.

5.2/1095 min

Available in 6 platform(s).