Jayson Argento


Jayson Argento Movies or Tv Shows (upto Jun 2024) - Watch Online

29th May 2022 | FlixCatalog Staff

Jayson started his Show business career in 1994 at the age of 22 making his theatrical debut in a play called "The Cherry Orchard" at Champlain College. Jayson was in several plays over the following years but then turned to Music. In 1997 he started a Band called "C'est La Vie", and toured the Burlington bar scene as lead singer. In 1998 he started a New Band called "Uncommon Tongue" and self produced and wrote the band's Album called "Following a Dream," touring in and around Burlington. 1998 also was the beginning of Jayson's Film Career, being a featured extra in Edgewood Studios "Moving Target." In 1999 Jayson would flip flop back and forth between film, Music, and Theater. In May 1999 his Band "Uncommon Tongue" broke up because the bass player and drummer moved away. In August of that year Jayson played the score for the play "Charlie Chaplin is Wearing my Pants" at The Edinburgh Festival Fringe in Scotland. He returned to Edinburgh in August 2000 this time as a cast member in the play "Crooked." Stoneworks Entertainment was born in October 2000, Jayson starred in their First Production which was a play written by Cullen Johnson, entitled "The Thrall of Cthulhu". This would be his last play. Jayson's love for film grew to new heights when he became SAG eligible from a speaking role in Alen Jacobs "American Gun" in 2001 where he worked alongside Virginia Madsen and James Coburn. In June 2001 Jayson started taking film acting classes with Jock Macdonald at Cameron Thor Studios East. Working with Jock and Cameron for the next two years inspired Jayson to stop waiting for film roles and start creating them, Therefore, in 2003 he and his friends reactivated "Stoneworks Entertainment" with its first film called "Cthulhu Chronicles: Episode One, The Ropes", written, directed, and starring Jayson himself. 2004 has been all about learning the editing process and makeing more movies such as Xill: (Star Wars fan film) and Project Hex. - IMDb Mini Biography By: Jayson Argento

Fan Zone

Streaming Availability

Pantaflix has the most number of Jayson Argento’s flixes, followed by Tubi TV compared to other streaming platforms. See the full graph below.

Releases by Year

Jayson Argento on average has worked on 2 movies per year from 2010 to 2014. See the full graphs of the number of Jayson Argento movies released per year from 2010 till 2014.

Top Genres

Jayson Argento works mostly in Drama Genre followed by Sci-Fi Genre flixes. 50% of Jayson Argento movies are Drama Genre movies. See Top Genres that Jayson Argento worked on in the graph below.

Average IMDB Score

On average the IMDB score of the movies that Jayson Argento has worked on is 5.3.

5.3 / 10

Jayson Argento's Movies and Tv Series available to Stream now ..

Professional killer, Frank Ng, contracted to murder a Chinese crime lord, discovers the crime boss is a Chinese vampire. Frank strikes out in a final battle against the Kiang-Shi and his minions of the dark.

4/10144 min

Available in 2 platform(s).